Monday, June 30, 2008


I am a little surprised though . .. we got transfer calls on Saturday and . . . I got transfered!!! I was absolutley shocked! Sister Stevenson has been here in Mainz since November! That's almost 7 months! and she is still staying! I got transfered to . . . Heidelberg! ( mom, I'm guessing that you just screamed as you read that, you wanted me to serve there!) I am sssooo excited! Everyone just keeps talking about how beautiful it is there and Sis. Stevenson served there before she came to Mainz so she is telling me about all the people in the ward that I should become good friends with and other investigators and people that I should call. So it's pretty crazy, I packed up all my things today and I head out tomorrow morning.
I am sssoooooooo devistated to leave Mainz though! I love it here! I seriously was not ready to go. I love the people and the city. I wish that you could see my heart righ now, it seriously is torn. I cannot convey how much I love the people. I never really thought I would become so attatched, but all of my investigators are so amazing. I love each one of them. and they were all so sad when I told them i got transferred. I called them all yesterday and told them goodbye. They were soo sad. They each wanted to get together today, but because I am so busy packing and everything, it just really wasn't possible. But I have all or their numbers and addresses, so I can still stay in touch, but I honestly am going to miss it here so much. That is all that I have been thinking about the past couple of days. I have been able to sleep very well. When I lay down at night I just think about each one of the people that I teach and what they need and how we can help them and I am still going to stay in touch. I wish that you could meet them. I took some more pictures, but don't have time to send them, I will send them next week. they are really cute though, of Patricia and her girls and also of Lucy and one of her sons. I also am going to miss our district ssooo much. We really had an awesome district here. Because no one got transfered last cycle, we were all together for the last 12 weeks and we really have become like a family. On our first week together we only taught 21 lessons between the 3 sets of companionships. In our last week together we taught 44. Over the last 12 weeks we taught 389 lessons betweeen all 3 companionships and had 2 baptisms. We really have grown to love and support eachother and have been so blessed because of it. Yesterday for our last district meeting we went around in a cirlce and all said things that we love about each other or what we've learned from each other and then bore our testimonies. It was a really good meeting. I love the elders so much and I will miss them like crazy, but I'm sure my next district will be fun too! So yeah, it is hard to leave, but I will happily go whereve the Lord wants me to go. I know that Heidelberg is waiting for me. Sister Doty is coming here to Mainz to work with sis.Stevenson and I am going to work with sister Ransenberger, which I am really excited about because we had a lot of fun together on our exchange. So yeah, Farewell to Mainz . . .my Heimat (homeland).
So want to hear some funny stories? Last week we ate dinner at Schwester Banser's again. I forgot to pray for no cat hair in my food . . . big mistake! After having 2 helpings of appetizers, 3 servings of the main course . .. I was completely stuffed to the brim. I thought I was going to die. (Schw. Banser literally just sits there and won't let us leave until all the food is gone!) and then she pulled out dessert. It was this strawberry yogurt thing and when I went to dish mine up . . . cat hair! There was cat hair in the yogurt! I thought I was going to throw-up! There was a huge bowl of yogurt too. I had to eat it and when i went to lift up the spoon to take my first bite there was a hair hanging off of it! it was sssooo gross! I tried to put the hairs on the side of my bowl, it was really hard, and finally schw. Banser saw me and I didn't want to offend her so I had to pretend like nothing was wrong. Of course when I finished the first helping she set the bowl of yorgurt in front of me and I had to have seconds! It was pure torture! eewwww! but i guess it didn't kill me, so it's all good! I am still grateful for the food that she cooked for us. It was really really good. just too much!
So, when we sit on the trains and buses we don't ever sit together so that we can talk to more people. Last week I got asked out twice! haha it was really funny. The first guy was from argentina and we talked in English. He didn't live in our area and so when I told him that the elders would have to meet with him, he suddenly wasn't too much in learning about the gospel. The second guy was German and it was sooo akward because we were in the train and it was completely silent (the German's do not talk! It's so weird) and he started talking to me right when i sat down so I of course started talking about religion. Well, then he asked me if we could meet and I told him if he is interested in learning about the gospel then we could, but said no "we can get together and have a drink and dinner) I said no thanks, that I am a full-time missionary, yeah, he didn't get the hint that full-time means 24-7! He kept trying to ask me out. I was just praying the the train would make it to Wiesbaden, it was the longest ride of my life! Finally i just said no, sorry. and went to give him a pass-along card. of course the top card that I went to grab was "Eternal Marraige"! yeah, I definitly wasn't handing him that one! So I gave him a baptism one instead. Haha it was a really funny. Sister Stevenson could hear the whole thing from a couple rows down. She just sat and laughed at me!

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